Rahul Rana

Rahul Rana is an Entrepreneur helping Businesses make RRATIONAL decisions in marketing. He is also the creative director of project Bloodybrilliant which is both a personal project and a community project simultaneously. Aside from films and technology, Rahul loves football and gaming.

Le Samourai

Le Samourai – Nothing like anything I have ever watched!

Does time travel exist? Is it possible? Le Samourai – You will start to wonder the same if you see this stylish flick made in 1967. Title: Le Samourai Genre: Crime/Drama Language: French Where to Watch: Streaming on Streaming Link: Prime Video USA Does time travel exist? Is it possible? You will start to wonder the same if you see this stylish flick made in 1967. There are some movies… Read More »Le Samourai – Nothing like anything I have ever watched!

Noir Films that you must watch

7 Noir Films that you must watch!

The article is about Noir Films that you must watch! now, it’s not a very straightforward genre and many might question what constitutes Film Noir. Personally, I’m a huge fan of Noir and I would simplify it as dark movies with a lot of grey characters, usually involving a conspiracy where Femme Fatales join the equation with amazing antagonists [who may or may not have organisational backing ].  These latter… Read More »7 Noir Films that you must watch!